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横浜でもうすぐ20年。 さまざまな国のみなさんに、日本語学習を通じて、豊かな未来を描くための、多文化交流事業を行っています。

To achieve this goal our Japanese classes offer cross-cultural activities for Yokohama residents.

我们通过生活在横滨的各国朋友们的日本语学习, 开展着各种多文化交流的事业。

Through Japanese studies we help children to create a future in which they can fully use their abilities. 通过日本语学习让孩子们发挥原有的力量创造未来。 >詳しく知る Detail Detail


プロの日本語教師たちが誇りを持って教える良質なレッスン Professional, experienced, and certified teachers provide quality lessons. 专业日本语教师提供的优质课程 >詳しく知る Detail Detail

Not Free

異文化理解・多文化共生をめざし、さまざまな交流イベントを行っています We offer many activities and events to facilitate cross- cultural understanding and multicultural living. 为实现异文化理解, 多文化共生的目标,我们进行各式各样的交流活动。 >詳しく知る Detail Detail

We have been active in connecting people from different cultures and countries through Japanese classes that are made possible with support from organizations and individuals.

22 years

Chikyu-Gakko was established in 2000. Our activities started in March, 2000. For the last 18 years we have been able to keep working thanks to much support from the community and individuals.

58 countries

We have had students from 58 countries attending Chikyu-Gakko from 2000 to 2017. ※2000-2022年の実績数

955 students

This is the number of students who have studied at Chikyu-Gakko from 2000 to 2017. Many of them are now vital members of the community. ※2022年1月現在、日本語教室に参加した方々の総数


Teachers will support you and teach you what you need to know.

“I came to Japan in 2006 as an elementary school student from China. I was overwhelmed by everything that was all new to me. I had such a hard time communicating with friends at school at the beginning because I didn’t speak Japanese at all. Then, I enrolled in Chikyukko Class. The teachers were so kind, and I felt that I could learn what I needed at this class. I struggled at first, but I alwayshad teachers’ support. I can now communicate in Japanese with anybody. I’m so grateful to my teachers!”


I loved the warm, welcoming atmosphere of the school.

“My best memory at Chikyukko Class is that I had a fun time studying Japanese with other students! I loved the warm, welcoming atmosphere of the school. I’d like to tell current students to study hard. I want them to master Japanese. If you do that, you can definitely change your world. I believe you can do it.”

Chikyu-Gakko started out with a goal to create a society where people can overcome their differences such as national origins, ethnic backgrounds, languages, etc., and understand, respect, and communicate with each other.

It is our sincere wish that students will share the experiences that they had at the school, because we believe that the friendship and bond between individuals, not just diplomatic relations between nations, will unite us as people on Earth.

With this goal in mind, we continue to help students and work towards accepting our differences and living together.

Primary president・Eiko Uehara

This is what is important to us. These are our goals.

Multicultural interactions and cross-cultural understanding

The number of foreigners coming to Japan is increasing. Japan isprogressively becoming a society where residents are from different cultural and historical backgrounds.

In order for us to become a multicultural society, we must recognize, understand, and respect each other by overcomingnational, ethnic, and religious differences. We consider individualinteractions to be as important as relationships between nations. Chikyu-Gakko Class is a place for all of us to get to know and understand each other.

We offer various opportunities to meet and interact with people from other countries and cultures. We hope that these opportunities allow people to be exposed to different perspectivesand value systems and discover something new.

Chikyu-Gakko is a place where people can learn about and understand each other’s culture and customs.

Roughly 6.4 billion people in approximately 200 countries live on this planet. Each country has its own culture and history, traditions and customs. But we are all the same as human beings. We all smile when happy, cry when sad, wish for happiness for those we love and want to improve ourselves. We all can understand each other as humans on this planet. But that is not easy to do.

Our tendency is to reject, neglect, or avoid something different from us. Not only that, but sometimes criticizing, oppressing, eliminating. This seems to flow through all conflicts and discrimination.

Chikyu-Gakko class is active in offering opportunities to discover differences and similarities in our culture and value systems through interactions with people from different countries. We would like for students to understand our differences and commonalities through shared activities and learning. We hope that students can overcome difficulties and accept that everybody is different and everybody is okay.

Chikyu class thinks that many differences exist in everyday life, not just between countries. We want everybody to acknowledge generational, gender, and regional differences and accept them.

It is our belief that a day will come when we all can say, “We are all different and all wonderful.” (from English translation by Midori Yoshida)

*“Minna chigatte mina ii (We are all different and all wonderful.),” is a phrase from a poem by poet Misuzu Kaneko.

Each of us has our own culture and history. The sensibilities and relationships cultivated in one’s country are very valuable. We believe that each of us values our individuality. Therefore, we should value and respect others’ individuality too. We believe that strong trusting relationships come from mutual acceptance.

Chikyu-Gakko believes that interactions among people will fuel the creation of a great future. It is our wish that our students will spread our beliefs throughout the world. Chikyu-Gakko is a place where people can gather and learn from each other. We hope that students will form a new global network.

※March 2000
Chikyu-Gakko was founded by Ms. Eiko Uehara and formed out of a volunteer groupthat offered Japanese lessons for foreigners living in Japan. Her intention was to create a new, more autonomous and permanent NPO that would provide Japanese lessons and cross-cultural events.
  • 2000.3 Chikyu-Gakko was founded as a multi-cultural volunteer organization
    The main businesses were Japanese language lessons and multi-cultural
  • 2001.9 Certified as not-for profit organization Chikyu-Gakko
  • 2002.2 Started offering Japanese Class
    Started offering training sessions with public participation (until 2006))
  • 2003.3 Started offering Spring and Summer break classes at Chikyukko Class
  • 9 Started offering Saturday lessons at Chikyukko Clas
  • 2005.10 『日本語教室』独自問題による「JLPT模擬試験」開始(~2008年)
  • 2008.2 Started “Kanji-KING” educational event at Chikykko Class
  • 2012.4 Office was moved to the address at Earth Plaza
    (Registration was done in May 2012)
  • 7 Received designation of Kanagawa-prefecture NPO
  • 2013.3 Received certification of NPO (No. 505 of Yokohama municipal directive)
  • 2014.4 Started offering Google App “Kanji-KING”
  • 2015.9 “Kanji-KING” was trademarked, registration number 5793032
  • Name Chikyu-Gakko, Not-for Profit organization
  • Registered
    Kanagawa Plaza for Global Citizenship (Earth Plaza) 1-2-1 Kosugaya, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 247-0007
  • Representative Itsuki Maruyama (Chief Director)
  • Description of Business Chikyukko Class, Japanese Class, Cross-cultural activities
  • URL http://www.chikyu-gakko.org/
  • E-mail daihyo@chikyu-gakko.org
  • Foundation September 2001 Obtained the status of a corporate body
    July 2012 Certified NPO status by Kanagawa Prefecture
    March 2013 certified NPO organization (No. 505 of Yokohama municipal