■日時:2020 年 8 月22 日~11 月28 日
毎週土曜日13:00~15:00 全15 回
■内容:JLPT試験対策 (読解・文法)
■料金:30,000 円(前期15,000 円/後期15,000 円)
※途中から参加する場合は1 回2,000 円です。のこりの回数の分をまとめて払ってください。途中でやめても返金できません。
担当: 藤澤(ふじさわ)
E-mail : j-nihongo@chikyu-gakko.org
電話: 080-3724-6190
① 氏名(フリガナ) ② 性別(男・女) ③ 国籍 ④ E-mail アドレス ⑤ 電話番号
Japanese Class for JLPT@onlin
1)N2 class
2)N3 class
3)N4 class
■Course Schedule:
・Every Saturday 13:00~15:00,
・from August 22, 2020 to November 28, 2020.
・Total 15sessions
・online class @Zoom
■Fee:30,000 yen (1st half 15,000yen, 2nd half 15,000yen)
・Please pay the fees at the first class.
・ If you join after the classes have started, payment has to be made for remaining classes (2000 yen per class).
・There will be no refund.
・ The classes will be carried out if we have 2 or more students (maximum 5).
・The practice exam is free of charge.
These lessons are for people who are wanting to pass for N2/N3/N4
Application & Inquiries : NPO CHIKYU-GAKKO Japanese Class
Please include the following information in your email
E-mail : j-nihongo@chikyu-gakko.org
Choice of class(N2/N3/N4)
1 Name (and the reading of your name in Katakana)
2 Gender
3 Nationality
4 Email address
5 Phone number